Welcome to the SwimWV's exclusive Top Individual Rankings. I have explained in the video how this is computed. Bascially, I input every best time swam into a spreadsheet. After I do this, the Spreadsheet will calculate what the best time is in every event and then the percentage away each swimmer is from a top time. Then I will take the average percentage points away per event you swim. Then I will also subtract your highest percentage and replace that with your lowest percentage to get a weighted average. So here are the Top 60 Male Swimmers in WV.
Top 60 Females as of 1/20/2022
This video explains how I compiled these rankings if you wanted to know.
This was the old way of scoring!
The NISCA (National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association) has a scoring system that is based on the time that a swimmer gets on a specific event based on top swims across the nation. This system gives each time a point value based on a 0-200 point scale. Based on the previous years stats, a 200 point score for an event would be given to the swimmer with the top time in that event across the United States. Each year, this organization compiles a list of times and then formulates a numeric point value to each time for each event. If a swimmer receives a point total of 100 points or higher, that swimmer is faster than half of high schoolers across the entire United States.
With this information, I have compiled a list of the Top 50 all around swimmers in the state of West Virginia. I use two methods to compile this list. The first, is the average NISCA point scale per event the swimmer swims. The second, is the total NISCA points a swimmer earns. I then rank each swimmer for best average and best total points. I then average the two rankings to come up with an overall Top 50 individual Swimmer. The time standards for boys are here and the time standard for girls are here.
11.27.19 Top Individuals
Male Top 99 with Pts. Per Event Breakdown as of 11.27.2019
Female Top 99 as of 11.27.2019
Female Top 99 with Pts. Per Event Breakdown as of 11.27.19
1.25.17 Top Individuals
Males Top Average Pts. Per Event Breakdown as of 1.25.17
Males Top Total Pts. Per Event and all Times as of 1.25.17
Females Top Average Pts Per Event Breakdown as of 1.25.17
Females Top Total Pts. Per Event and all Times as of 1.25.17
1.12.17 Top Individuals
Males Top Average Pts. Per Event Breakdown
Males Top Total Pts. Per Event and all Times
Females Top Average Pts Per Event Breakdown
Females Top Total Pts. Per Event and all Times
1.1.17 Top Individuals
Males Top Average Pts. Per Event Breakdown
Males Top Total Pts. Per Event and all Times
Females Top Average Pts Per Event Breakdown
Females Top Total Pts. Per Event and all Times
12.21.16 Top Individuals
Males Top Average Pts. Per Event Breakdown
Males Top Total Pts. Per Event and all Times
Females Top Average Pts. Per Event Breakdown
Females Top Total Pts. Per Event and all Times